Wednesday, November 06, 2019

We were supposed to have rain today, but the weather people keep putting it off.   Now they are saying late tonight or early tomorrow.    The temperatures are at least reasonable, neither too hot nor too cold.

I saw Dr. Toy today.    I was really out of sync.    He put me back together:) and will see me next week.    That tells you.    I have been seeing him once a month just to be sure everything is OK.

Then I went right to Bible Study.    Got there as a funeral mass was in process, so I slipped in the back to pray for the deceased.   Mother always went to funeral masses for parish members when they moved across from the church.    She said that someone should be there, just from the parish.    I felt that way today and was able to receive communion for her passing.

Nicky is still at the Vet.   He is still not eating but feels a bit better.   He is more alert.    I will call again in the morning to see if they got his appetite revived.

I just keep praying for all my "wounded" loves.

Dia Dhuit


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