Thursday, October 24, 2019

It was a rainy cold day today.    The temps were in the forties    With the wind factor it was in the thirties.     Nicky is not thrilled.    I tried to take him for a walk this afternoon and he told me in his quiet way (heading back to the house) that he was just fine in the house thank you.

We are still expecting rain tomorrow.    We really need the rain but I am glad that I do not have to go anywhere until Sunday when I will go to Mass in the morning.   I have plenty to keep me occupied  (or lazy) for the two days.

I now have my house in good shape, my car in good shape (it is seven years old you know.   Only 30,299 miles on it)    I figure if I take care it will last for quite some time.)   I am starting to feel better but am still fatigued.     I plan on pushing myself a bit and seeing if that will help.

So things are better and I plan on enjoying them.    I am truly blessed.   Especially with all of you.

Dia Dhuit

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