Sunday, January 14, 2018

Well,  It has been very quiet and very cold around here the past couple of days.

Today it got up in to the 50s in the afternoon and the sun has been shining so it is making everything much more tolerable.   I pulled out a couple of projects trying to get myself interested in DOING something.   I am sick and tired of feeling sick and tired.  

Bart and I are leaving on the 24th to spend a week with Bret and his cousins Vikki and Todd.    I think that may put some life back in this old body.   Just a reunion has me pretty excited.

Yesterday morning, I was part of a telephone conference for the Celtic Women International.   Telephone conferences are kind of goofy but I got to hear and talk to lots of my Celtic Friends while it was going on.    Not too personally , of course, but at least a bit of a catch up.

Next Thursday is the Lawton Celtic Club meeting.   Sure glad we have our "pub", the Shamrock, now and can meet there.   Bart is coming with me.   I want him to try the food.

I am practicing.   Here is a picture of my Christmas Cactus which I have had for years and it finally bloomed.

Let me know if the arrow is in it and if it is how to get it out.

Dia Dhuit


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