Sunday, December 17, 2017

It is chilly today.   I asked my friend and neighbor, Jarrod, to help me replace the lights on the garage that have been out for a while.   I felt well enough and am confessing that I did try myself, but I forgot how.

It is Sunday and I am being VERY lazy mostly.    I went to the 8:30 Mass and then to a pancake breakfast that the KC's were having in the gym.    God knew that I have been hungry for pancakes.   They even had blueberry pancakes and I ate two - plus bacon and eggs.

I am all caught up on Christmas cards.

The coming week is very quiet.   I have only one doctor appointment and no other scheduled events.  Now, as I am feeling better, I need to start DOING things again.    I am sick of feeling like a sludge and want to be useful.   Can't believe that Christmas is one week away.   Can't believe even more that it has been 5 years since my sweetheart went to heaven.    I miss him more every year.    I imagine that this is how Mom felt.

Dia Dhuit


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