Friday, September 15, 2017

Home all day.    That is nice.   I did have contact with real people throughout the day which is even nicer.

My Bret is leaving Arizona tomorrow and will be here sometime on Sunday.  I can hardly wait to hug him.   I am making his favorite meal (Swedish Meatballs) tomorrow and we will have a family gathering at my home on Sunday afternoon/evening to celebrate his arrival.

I am so glad that he will be here for my second round of chemo.   He and Bart can hang out while I get the treatment, something they have not been able to to these past years much.

I am so blessed to have kids who LIKE ME:)

Nicky is much better.   He is a good boy about taking his meds and doesn't smell so bad any more.   I still remember Dick saying "Is he really worth that much money" when we got the vet bills.  Of course, with that twinkle in his eye as we would to anything within reason for our pet friends.  He would how lost I would be without my sweet Nicky.  I am so glad that the allergies are abating.  His scratching was driving me nuts.

I am planning on going to Mass for the first time in weeks on  Saturday.   Pray that this will work.  Bret is bringing over a stadium cushion which might help.

Dia Dhuit


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