Monday, July 03, 2017

Home all day.   Good thing.  I am sore.  I did get a lot done though by "nickel and diming" it.

Got the Wales trip ready to finalize, did dishes, got the corner of the bedroom that got wet, clear so that the fan can get everything dry.  (A good time to go through clothes in the dresser as I had to take out the drawers to slide it aside.)

Wisconsin is sure in the news these days.  Yesterday the elephant, today the plane crash.

Tried to call my doctor today, but, of course, they are all out for the holiday, so I have to wait until Wednesday.   Just musing these days, and trying to figure out if those statin drugs made my muscles  so sore?   I am not really good at following "trails"   (Need my sweetheart).   But wonder if those statin drugs did more damage than thought?

I give myself chores every day, otherwise I would probably just sleep.   Nicky likes that actually, but I am not here to serve him.  I am trying to convince him that he needs to do his business in the backyard.   I am not going to be able to continue taking him for walks.   My poor baby might burst:(

Dia Dhuit


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