Saturday, April 15, 2017

Didn't get home from the Good Friday Service until after 9PM and was too tired to post.   This is the first parish I have ever been in that does not have the service from noon to three.   I guess it makes more sense for attendance these days.

I am posting early today because the Vigil service tonight starts even later and I KNOW I will just crash again. 

Nothing much happening.   I can't believe how much I have to catch up on after a week away.   I am supposed to be RETIRED for heaven's sake.

Getting there though.    I was hungry for Green Meatballs so made a batch today.    I haven't been hungry lately so figured if something sounded good, I better make it.   I also made hot cross buns for tomorrow.   I have been invited over to Bart and Barb's for dinner.

My garage door broke.   And I mean BROKE.   It is covered under American Shield, but with the weekend and it being Easter weekend,  no one has been able to come out.   My garage door is stuck two thirds open.   So.   I lock the house and be SURE to set the alarm at night.   I am praying for honest people not to invade my garage.   It is a pretty safe neighborhood but having the door open is not good.  We can't get it closed, it is that bad.

Pray for me.

Dia Dhuit


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