Saturday, January 07, 2017

Yesterday, was still bitter cold all day and it snowed all morning.   I took the van over to the Chrysler dealer to have my tires checked.   The low air pressure gauge came on AGAIN and I was concerned.  All the tires were a smidge down, but not bad.  They said it was probably the temperature changes.

Aside from that, I have been able to stay in my warm little old lady house.  This makes Nicky VERY happy.   When the temps are below 10Degrees, his little feet start to hurt.     This afternoon the temps started rising again.   It is in the mid 20s which is manageable.    Oh,   I have to tell you, Nicky actually did his business in the back yard yesterday.   He was desperate and did not want to go for a walk, so he gave in.

I went to mass this evening as there as a Three Kings Pot Luck after the Mass in the Church hall.    I was not planning on it actually but my friend, Mary Beth, from bible study said that I could sit with her and her husband, Dan, so I figured - good deal.   I baked a pineapple sheet cake with cream cheese frosting for my contribution.    The Three Kings were in attendance.  They were at mass too.   They gave candy to the children at the dinner.   It was fun.

Tomorrow I will be home all day.    I am going to make a batch of minestrone soup to freeze for when the kids come next weekend.    I am planning on pasties,  both meat and vegetarian, for our main meal.    Hope you are all tempted.     Wish Bobbie and Bill and Richard and Brenda and Bret and Janet could be here too.

Dia Dhuit


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