Monday, December 26, 2016

It was like a second Christmas today as Jim and Michelle and her brother (also a Jim) came and spent the day and dined with me. 

Thanks, Barb, for leaving dessert and for stopping by.  

I served a repeat of lasagna, salad, garlic bread and Barb's famous blackberry cobbler.

What a lovely visit,  Leslie called in the afternoon so got to talk to Jim and Michelle.  I love family.   Wish we were not so scattered around this wonderful country.

As I said, and Leslie agreed, we need to establish a DATE at a time that is fairly safe to drive from EVERYWHERE to have a family gathering.  It will be HERE at my place.  Which is somewhat central when we are dealing with Wisconsin, California, Louisiana and Oklahoma.

Anyway, it was a great visit.   Too long since the last one and it was nice to meet Michelle's brother.  We got all caught up and won't let that much time pass again.

Dia Dhuit


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