Tuesday, March 01, 2016

Another comfortable sunny day.   There are trees blooming already.   How nice is that.   I know I won't be so enthusiastic when it is over a hundred this summer, but it is surely great now.

I voted for the first time in Oklahoma.   Oklahoma is part of the Super Tuesday sweep.  On the way home, I did a bit of grocery shopping.

This afternoon, Bart and I went to Walmart and I picked up a couple of hoses for the yard and a couple of other things I needed for the house.  

I am also working on my Taxes.  I will be sending my package of stuff off to Mark, my accountant, tomorrow or Thursday.    I believe that I have everything now.

The sliding doors on my pantry came off their tracks.   I thought I could fix it but couldn't.   The local handyman, Nate, that Bart and Barb and my realtor, Joe, recommended is coming over this evening to reset it for me. 

Nicky seems to have decided that it is time for bed.   He has been heading there at about 7:30PM to 8PM lately.   I actually have to call him to take him out for his last little potty break:)

Dia Dhuit


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