Monday, February 29, 2016

Another beautiful day.   They are talking about a possible storm tonight with hail the size of golf balls.   Lawton is on the very far edge and these things normally blow over, but I had to rearrange my garage and get those boxes stacked on the far side.   After seeing Dick, many years ago, standing in our garage on CreekSide watching the pea sized hail pummel the Camero, I am not taking any chances.

I had an early morning chiropractor appointment.   I am feeling better and the pain is moving to my extremities.   Dr. Toy says that he will have me put back together soon.

I was busy all day.   Things are coming together nicely.  

Tomorrow is Super Tuesday.   I will be voting as Oklahoma is one of the Super Tuesday states.  Still don't know exactly what to do but will not give up my voters right.

So it is dark outside and time to wind down for the night.

Bless you all.

Dia Dhuit


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