Monday, July 13, 2015


I have such dear friends.   Kathy Keyes, from my Bible Study came to pick me up for Bible Study, then she and Tom, her husband, drove me to Meadow View.   She remembered them and was pleased  to see them.

She was SO tired.  I was surprised to see that the therapy person was working with her.  I don't think she should be put through that any more.   It is not improving her quality of life and just wears her out.  Jeff is talking to Dr. Hancock about this.   He was on vacation last week when things went bad so is reviewing everything.

I went to lunch with Kathy and Tom and then home where I rested.   I could not sleep.   I am just too tense.   Hopefully tonight will be different.

Tomorrow my neighbor, Kathy, is driving me to Dr. Murthy to see if my foot is healing.   Pray that all is well.   I do NOT want surgery.   Th foot does feel better, so I am hopeful.   Actually my hips are more uncomfortable than my foot.    Walking funny, you know, does that.

Just took Nicky out for his last evening walk of the day.  Mosquitoes were buzzing and it is miserably hot and humid.

I am grateful for air.

Dia Dhuit


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