Monday, March 04, 2013

I was almost asleep last night when I remembered that I had forgotten to blog.    Dick would be very proud of me for not jumping up to do it.    He always wanted me to relax.

I just was too busy all day,   I am getting everything ready for the trip and don't want any of my projects to be neglected while I am gone.

My neighbor, Jean, brought me the Sunday paper just about 5ish.   I invited her to share a glass of wine with me and she graciously accepted.   That was nice.     A glass of wine with a friend is always a pleasant way to spend an hour or two.

Today was a typical Monday.   I went to bible study.   We had 7 of us there and couldn't quite get past Psalm 118, which we have been on for three weeks.   However we started off with a discussion of the first episode of the mini series, the Bible.   It is always difficult to understand why Abraham allowed Hagar and Ishmael to be sent out into the desert after Sara had her Isaac and was jealous of Ishmael.   But God came to the rescue in the end.

The I went to Mother's and we paid her bills and made sure that she will not run out of things while I am gone.   If we missed anything, I am so blessed to have brothers and sisters who will just pick up the slack and take care of it. 

Tonight I drove over to Redeemer Church to practice for the Spring Concert for the Plymouth Arts Center that Kate talked me in to.   We are singing grand pieces from older musicals, like Chorus Line and Porgy and Bess and songs like I Got Rhythm.   It is fun.  But I am really tired now.   As Kate said, it is past my bed time so I am just going to go there.

Dia Dhuit


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