Monday, February 19, 2007

Went to bible study this morning. We had a good group, as always. Helen Maurer was back. Bad weather keeps her away, can't say that I blame her. We had a lot of prayer intentions. Everybody is praying for Dick. I also asked for prayers for Harold's son. This coming Sunday is the first Sunday of Lent. So the readings talked of the Hebrew's being asked to bring the "first fruits" to the priests in thanksgiving for their being brought to the promised land. Did the "first fruits" mean the first of the season, Or (remembering that Cain got frowned on my God for bring second rate stuff for a sacrifice) does "first fruits" mean the best? We can't decide.

Dick saw Dr. Sharon at 1:30 this afternoon. He ordered regular flushing of the PICC and is having one of the antibiotics continued because he believes there is still infection there. He took blood tests too. So we won't go backwards anyway.

We got home at about 4, having to go from the Clinic to Valley View to get the ports flushed. We can't start the antibiotics until tomorrow though because they had to order it from Sheboygan and it won't be there until tomorrow. At least we will just have one trip a day for the time being and we will be going at about noon. Much easier than twice a day at both ends of the day.

I remembered a story about my great aunts, Josephine and Lenore and Genevieve. They were my Grandpa John Bowser's sisters. All three of them lived in California. My Uncle Noel and Aunt Lois also lived there and Noel was very good to those ladies. They did like to do little home repairs themselves but sometimes got in over their heads.

One time they decided to tile a room in one of their houses. So they called Uncle Noel to ask how to start. He told them to chalk a line down the center of the room. They asked how to do that and he told them to run a chalked string from one wall to the other side and chalk it. They said they understood but he wasn't sure so he decided to go over to check.

Sure enough, they had tacked the line from one wall to the other side and were on their knees trying to draw a chalk line on the floor. He explained that they were supposed to actually chalk the string and snap it. Needless to say he did it and got them started.

I read this the other day and shared it at bible study this morning. A Jeanne Schuler said, "In the boardroom one language is spoken that seems to make all people one. From the top, everything seems possible. Down in the streets, people from many nations struggle to make a living. With gestures and halting words, they try to understand. Sometimes customs clash or fears polarize. We back away and wonder: will we ever live as one?"

Seems the story of life. Those at the top come up with all these plans but they don't fit the people who they are aiming at or else are not understood. How can there be peace in a whole world?

Well we can have peace with all of us. We don't have to understand everything but we have to love each other.



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