Wednesday, February 21, 2007

Another gorgeous day. It was up in the 40s again. Chelsea and I really enjoyed our walk and it looks like we should have at lease two days before it gets rainy/snowy again. I need to remember to take the pedometer along with me on the walk to see how many steps we take. I know we walk for about 45 minutes. But a lot of that is spent with Chelsea sniffing and running around.

This weather is starting me dreaming of spring. I need to measure for the flower boxes I will need for the deck. I want to plant herbs and colorful flowers in them. I think I might try to plant a couple of tomatoes in the back. down towards the woods. There is a rhubarb plant down there already. Maybe I should get a butterfly house. And a bird feeder.

Must not get too excited. There are months to go before we can plant.

I went to church at 8AM because it is Ash Wednesday. The church was full, half of the kids of course, as the whole school attended. The children's choir sang. I was "minded" of Ash Wednesdays when I was young. Until I started 6th grade, I went to the public school and for some reason or other, we Catholic kids thought we were so cool to go to get our ashes in the morning and then wear them all day at school. (I don't know why either.)

Another thing I remember. When I was young, there were a lot of old world ideas still around. There were four church services that were always full. Of men. Even if a lot of them did not feel that Sunday Mass was all that important. (The women took care of that.), these men always came to Christmas (mostly Midnight Mass), Easter, Ash Wednesday, (got to get those ashes) and believe it or not St. Blaze Day. This is a saint's feast day during which they used to bless the throat against disease with crossed candles.

I read the other day that perhaps if we are going to fast during Lent, we should fast from crabbiness. I will try to do that.

Dick got the second of this new order of antibiotics. Our nurse for today, Chris, told Dick quite sweetly, not to be disappointed if he has to go another week or two after this. We have to see what Dr. Phelan says next Tuesday.

I put together another square for the Blessed Trinity Church Quilt. Only one more to go. I also did a bit more of the quilting on my Kitty/Puppy Quilt. I should have it done in a month or so. It is moving along.

Hope your Thursday is fun.



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