Saturday, September 23, 2006

Today I felt rather lost. It seems just overwhelming sometimes.

Dick had a bad night with his back but the rest of the day has been pretty good and I believe that we are over the hurdle. We even went to Chuck and Sue's (a bar - used to be Dale's Bar almost forever) in Sheboygan Falls for Randy's 50th birthday party. I ate cake and was it ever good. It was a nice party. Saw a lot of relatives and several friends that I had not seen for quite some time. Randy was really surprised. Just think, my baby brother is 50. He got a great t shirt that said "Fifty in Dog years is dead."

Dick and I went to the house on Hunters Glen and swept out the garage. That should be the last major thing that we have to do there. I sure hope so. I am just too tired to keep up two houses. Hope it sells quickly. I sent for a St. Joseph house selling kit. Don't know if it will work but we must use evey means possible.

Tomorrow, Bobbie and Bill are coming over and Bobbie will help us put things in place. I hope we can find some more of the garage floor.

Be good to yourself.



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