Friday, September 22, 2006

Here it is 9:33PM and I am TIRED. I got my hunting stuff all put away in the cabinet today.

This noon, I went over to the Dairy Queen for lunch with my bank friends. And this evening, I went out to Rhine to shoot pistol league. Didn't do TOO well but with the aching in my arm didn't do too badly either.

I talked to Barb tonight and also my step grandson, Timothy. He is such a pleasure to talk to. Such a caring pleasant young man. He is in his last year of college before graduate school. He is majoring in psychology and should be very good at it as he is a caring personable person. I like him and am proud to have gotten him in the package along with Bart's wife Barbara who is a real treasure.

Bart is much better. I don't know if I told you but he had a med imbalance problem recently and that is always distressful. With his constant back pain, keeping the meds in balance is always a challange.

This has been quite a week. Dick's back, Bill's heart, Bart's meds and Jim's flu. Michelle and I were wondering what we could get on the open market for used damaged mates. Yuck Yuck.

We had turkey breast and fried rice for supper along with leftover green beans and salads.

Tomorrow we will go and clean the garage at Hunters Glen. That should be the last BIG chore there. Now if we can just get the place sold. We need some family like ours that has someone like Jim go downstairs and go OOOOOHHHH!

Remember - Maya Angelou said that "People will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will NEVER forget how you make them feel."

Everybody has feelings. Let's try to be gentle with each other. We don't know what is in the heart.



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