Saturday, September 17, 2005

We are home. It was a long long day, so I will keep this short and tell you more highlights as the next week progresses.

We saw SO much in our short time in D. C. All the memorials and many many monuments. Our nation's capital is inspiring in its beauty and richness of culture and history. It is also overwhelming with all the people and traffic that is constant.

We stayed at the Hampton in Alexandria VA and were very pleased with Lamer's choice of accomodations. We were within walking distance of two (we heard of another but never made it there)excellent restuarants. The Joe Theissman where we shared a quesidilla one night and ordered a whole dinner the next. I ordered crab cakes that night and they were delicious. Dick had a steak.

The last night in that area, we went to a Thai restuarant down the street that was also very good. Dick found out he likes rice noodles too. Somehow I am not surprised.

I think I have about 150 pictures. The digital is handy because one can take several shots of the same thing at different angles and try odd things if one wants. If they don't turn out - delete works just fine. I will have to wait until tomorrow to see them because after I reviewed 158 emails I am just too tired.

So - We are home safe and sound. We had a great time. I will tell you more tomorrow.



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