Monday, August 15, 2005

This was a sparsely attended Bible Study, lots of people on vacation, so those of us there just said a prayer and shared. We hate to have too many members of the study miss a chapter. I went to the 7:00AM Mass for the Holy Day and then went to Tschub's on Broadway in Sheboygan Falls. It is a new coffee shop that serves coffee, sweet rolls etc. I have been wanting to try it. Anyway, I ordered a Coffe Mocha and a raspberry/white chocolate scone. They were both delicious and the decor is very quaint. I would go back again. They also serve soup or chili and bread sticks as lunch fare.

Chelsea had one of her little epiliptic-like fits today. She started that funny cough and down she went. Poor little thing looks so confused. I just hurried over and made sure that she was not going to hit anything and soothed her. It has been months since she did that. Thank the Lord she doesn't lose control of her bladder.

Tomorrow we have to get up at 4:30AM because our bus to Chicago for the Ethnic Tour leaves at 6:30AM. Have to take care of Chelsea and the cats before we leave. It is supposed to be very pleasant and we are looking forward to the day.

Shot my last two rounds of trap for the summer league at Sheboygan Falls. I go a 14 (Ick) but the second was a 17 so at least it improved. I do enjoy it. Next week will be the bust up party. I am also supposed to be at a Celtic Faire meeting. I think I will tell Don and Joan that I will be late.

Thornton Wilde said "My advice to you is not to inquire why or whither, but just enjoy the ice cream while i't on your plate."


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