Wednesday, July 06, 2005

Loverly day in the neighborhood. I think I am mixing up Mr. Rogers and My Fair Lady. But it is a descriptive phrase. The temps were in the upper 60s to low 70s. The sun shone, the skies were blue. The neighborhood cardinal was singing loudly while Chelsea and I were on our walk and darned near drowned out our conversation in the office later this afternoon.

I worked out in the yard for about an hour and got the hanging pots watered and cleaned up and the tree/bush in the front yard trimmed. I too Chelsea out with me for a bit but there were some kids down the street with a few remaining firecrackers and I didn't have the heart to make her suffer any more.

Dick had his physical this morning. For the first time in several years, there was no irregular heartbeat. This is a good thing, but Dr. Phelan said that it does not mean that is it healed. They will keep monitering.

Thinking back on the conversations that were going around yesterday. Fr. Mike said, (expounding on superstition, edicts and curses) that a priest in Armstrong at Our Lady of the Angels, then named St. Matthew, had cursed the parish back in 1858 or thereabouts. He said that they would not have a priest ordained from the parish for 100 years and lo and behold Mike was ordained a priest in 1964 along with his cousin Jim Shea in or about the same year. This did prove the prophesy or curse to be true. Who knows?

Cadfael's Book of Days, yesterday and today, were interesting.

Yesterday. "The failure of the priesthood to set and example of piety and simplicty helps to turn people to false prophets and dissenting sects. The Church has a duty also to purge its own shortcomings."

Today. " 'It's a grave matter to disagree with the chruch,' said the layman. 'It's not for us to kno better than the priests, not where faith;s concerned. Listen and say Amen, that's my advice." Ellis Peters

I guess both are true. In this day and age it becomes difficult to follow the advice of the second as we watch and see that the clergy is not fulfilling the duty to do the first.

Have a nice Thursday


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