Friday, May 13, 2005

Friday the Thirteenth was not so bad at the Kunert Household. This morning, Dick had his appointment with a Dr. Met at Dr. Aymond's office. (not Dr. Phelan as I said yesterday. Dr. Phelan is his general doctor.) Anyway, Dr. Met said that there is no sign of macular degeneration, that there is a little swelling in his right eye (which is his worst eye) but that if it isn't bothering Dick, he doesn't have to do anything. Medication is available if it should get worse. The other eye has a "wrinkle" around the implant, but, again, if it isn't bothering Dick, there is no need to do anything. He will see Dick in two months just to see if there is any change. We were very relieved.

His mouth feels fine. He has no discomfort so that is a good thing too.

I went to lunch with the Plymouth gals today. We had a nice visit. I also got some banking done and stopped at church on the way home because Blessed Trinity has Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament once a month. Mother was there when I arrived at church, so I left when she did and walked her home.

It is still raining off and on and damp and chilly. The weather is supposed to warm up by Sunday, though there is still rain in the forecast. Actually when I look at what is going on in some other parts of the nation, I am grateful for the rain and temps in the 40s.

I decided to share one of my sonnets. They are HARD. But at least I wrote one. I will keep trying.

A dream is a vision – events that might be
A dream is a vision - deep hidden fears
A dream can reveal what we cannot see
A dream can foretell what is hovering near.

To wake from a dream with an answer
To wake from a dream with a question
To wake from the dream in unbridled fear
Can leave a soul cold - full of tension

We dream when troubled in our souls.
We dream when we are full of sorrow.
We dream when joy and triumph rule.
And dreams can bring a sane tomorrow

Dreams can heal the aching heart
Let them in to do their part.

It is untitled but one of the other writer's in the Writer's Club, Sylvia Bright Green, suggested Dream or Vision.

Have a great weekend


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