Saturday, January 01, 2005

We had Mother over for dinner this evening. Always a pleasure. The Schlitzhagen and the blueberry pie were both very good. Jim and I took her home at about 7:00PM. As it turned out, we picked a good time. There is a freezing rain out there and by the time we got to her house it was quite slick. I was glad that Jim was there to help Mother, because she needed help getting into the house.

Since we are home, Jim has been listening to the scanner and reporting every so often on salt trucks that are stuck out there at the bottom of hills unable to even get back to the lot. A warm spell is supposed to be coming in over night so we should be able to walk and drive by morning. It is good to be safe and secure on a night like this.

Just a note to usher in the New Year. Helen Keller said, "No effort that we make to attain something beautiful is ever lost."

Pray for the living in the Tsumami area. Bless the rescuers and speed them on their mission of hope and relief.



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