Sunday, December 26, 2004

It was kind of warm today, all the way up to 22 degrees. WOW. We had a dusting of snow too and Chelsea was in her glory. She kept thinking of excuses to go out so she could roll in the snow.

Church was nice this morning. It was the feast of the Holy Family and Fr. Gene talked on the value of our families. We need to be sure to let our children AND the other members of our family circle know how we value them.

We had a nice visit with Dick and Brenda before they headed back to Madison.

The rest of the day was just laid back and goofing off. I rested and did a bit of sewing and puttered on the computer. Tomorrow is soon enough to get back on the fast track.

There was an announcement at Mass this morning that there is a desperate need for bedding, so I went through our closets and found a couple of blankets and quilts and sheets and pillowcases that we have not used in years and probably never will. So, Dick and I will drop them off at the church tomorrow. I shudder at the thought of anybody being cold when we have so much.

I understand that pictures have not been coming through recently. Jim just fixed it and tomorrow will be the BIG test. Look forward to a picture tomorrow. I am just too tired tonight.

Only five more days til the New Year.



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