Tuesday, February 24, 2004

Here it is Tuesday and things are showing signs of getting better. The crazy legal limbo is done with. They messed around long enough and made so many mistakes that the judge had to release him because it was over 14 days since he was brought to the hospital and his rights were being violated. This meant that Barbara and I could take him, with his consent, back down to Milwaukee to the VA Center. There they admitted him and we, the hospital and Bart are all hopeful and optimistic that he is in the right place at last. I was so pleased to see him hopeful for the first time. Thank you for your prayers - but don't stop.

God grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I can and the wisdom to know the difference.

Bart will be practicing this and I guess I should too.

Tomorrow is Ash Wednesday already. Lent is beginning which means spring is on the way too. We are expecting temperatures all the way up into the high 40's on Saturday. The worst is over.



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