Thursday, September 11, 2003

The winemaking is coming along just fine. We bottled the first batch of currant wine last week. We named it Kathy's Currant because I got the currants from Jeff and Kathy. The second batch is a different recipe and needs to be racked once more before it is bottled. We can do it today along with racking a batch of Nectarine that needs to clear up a bit more.

The mountain ash should be ready to try again. Actually it will not be a year until after January, but we are trying at three month intervals. We are going to test the Merlot and Bougolaise in the next day or two. This has turned into a fun hobby and Dick enjoys doing it with me too. He loves being able to give bottles of wine to guests. We wish we'd get a bit more feedback. This year, the chokecherry crop is pretty sparse, so no Banshee Blood. I do have the currant though which will fill in the gap. I am making bigger batch of rhubarb though. I found a recipe that suggests freezing the cut fruit before making the wine and I have enough for a double batch in the freezer.

Along with the kits, we have quite a wineceller. For those of you that have not been able to partake, we call ourselves the MaryER Winery (Get it! Mary and E. R. for Ernest Richard, Dick's official name.)

Have a nice day.


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