Sunday, September 07, 2003

When my Grandfather, Mike Deeley, came to Sheboygan Falls, this was still considered quite a frontier. I know that he, coming from very the very settled and developed New England States had no idea what he would find, when he came to be the Boss Carder at the Brickner Woolen Mill. The Brickner Woolen Mill Still stands above the falls in Sheboygan Falls. It has been converted to low income housing apartments, mainly occuped by older people. The apartments are all unique and from what I saw on a tour very attractive, many of them overlooking the falls and other looking out on the historic main street. Imagine the delight of Mother and I when we toured the remodeled apartments and found Grandpa's picture on one of the landings. He is very distinctive and we could not miss that Irishman leaning up against a carder.

But what I wanted to tell you was that when Grandpa came to Falls, they dropped him off the train about two miles out of town and told him what direction to go. He made great time. The train had barely left when he heard the most god awful sound that sounded to him like Indians. When he got to town he described it to the people who greeted him and found out that it was wild turkeys.



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