Monday, September 15, 2003

This morning when Dick and I went grocery shopping, we came out of Park and Save by the Sheboygan Clinic to the sound of geese. Lots of them. I believe that Autumn is right at the gate. It is impressive to see them flying in their vee formations and hear their honking. Too bad they have become such a nuisance in our parks and all over the place. The winters have been too mild and the food is too plentiful so they don't go so far south.

Have you ever been to the Horicon Marsh in mid Wisconsin in the Fall to watch the waves and waves of geese landing and taking off from the Marsh. It is hard to believe that there are that many geese in the world much less in one place.

I wrote a poem about Autumn. I called it


Fall caresses the land, stroking
With touch as gentle as a lover
And the Earth trembles.

The Burning Bush, impatient, blazes
As lush trees leak a tinge of yellow on leaves
Still protecting now deserted nests.

Light comes later. Dark comes sooner.
Warm sticky mornings give way
To cool crisp dawns.

Gardens spew out their bounty.
Sweet and juicy and frantically
Produce seed for survival.

God’s creatures gorge on the plenty,
Storing up fat and memories
For the long winter ahead.

Geese practice flying in formation
Ready to flee from the cold that
Is creeping over the land.

Fall, the wanton lover, seduces the earth
Then flees, laughing,
Before the stern, starkness of Winter.

Hope you enjoy


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