Wednesday, July 09, 2003

Our new kitties are not so new anymore. Little Miss Roxy is really a busy little minx, I guess I should say Manx, which as I mentioned is her breed. I will mention again that she is a bumpie not a rumpie, as she has a little stub of a tail as opposed to no tail at all.

In the past two days, she has knocked a plant off the shelf in the spare bedroom and also knocked a lamp off of a end table. I am not exactly sure what she was trying to do in either incident but I have removed the plants from the spare room and we are just hoping that she doesn't get the lamp again. Thank heavens, it is still intact, though one of the glas pieces did break a bit.

Big Oscar just is a big lump. He still comes to me in the middle of the night and bumps me until I pet him. I am starting to get better at ignoring him or faking sleep. He can be a pest. But he is a handsome little devil.


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