Wednesday, January 20, 2021

Felt better this morning

 but that has deteriorated during the day.   I thought I was being careful, but apparently I cannot do much at all.

Bart came over today and did some shopping and visited with me, so I did not have to be alone all day.     As I say, Vita does her best but she is after all only a little doggie.

I hope each long night's sleep will provide some healing and will be home for the rest of the week.  Will try to remember not to do much of anything.    (It is amazing how things get cluttered, however.)    I will do my best.

At least my house was cleaned yesterday.    I am truly blessed.

Bless all of you

I love you.


Thoughts of Ireland

Cloudy Dublin day

Cannot dim the city's joy

We drank it all in

Water from the holy wells

Bridged the spirit World

Drums reset my heart

The healing is complete

We walk between the raindrops.

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