Tuesday, March 24, 2020

We are having warm, dry days.    Nice for walks as I am trapped in this house as far as communication with real live people.      I realize that this is the best strategy at this time, but it is hard.    You, who know me, know what a social person I am.   That's why I get involved with things like bible study, writing club, Irish groups and quilting.

Oh.   Well   This too shall  pass.   I am praying for all of you that you do not succumb to this awful virus.      I am reminded of the polio epidemic in the early 50s.     A neighbor's daughter got it and died in an iron lung in Milwaukee.    My sister, Nora, was babysitting when the fever hit the girl.    My poor Mother was in a state of panic with all of her children.    Nora had to get gamma globulin shots and was she ever upset.

That too passed and thank God for the Salk vaccine.

Dia Dhuit

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