Tuesday, July 09, 2019

Have had a couple of rough days.      Nicky was getting weaker yesterday and could hardly walk today so I took him back to the hospital.     Turns out I have been giving him too much insulin.  Don;'t ask how, I feel guilty enough about it.

Dr. Fiorello kept him, for the day, of course, and gave him infusions of fluids.    I went to pick him up tonight and he was so happy to see me and headed for the door.    BUT   his sugars are still fluctuating, so he is staying one more night to get everything stable.    I will pick him up at about 11:AM after my appointment with Dr. Toy, my chiropractor.  The doctor says he will be as good as new in a few days, though he is still diabetic and will need (the proper amount) of insulin daily.  He had a skin reaction to the steroids too so looks a bit pitiful.     The assistants all promised that they will give him lots of love while he is there.   They love his little face with the crooked nose and the pug side and the chihuahua side.    

So again I am alone.     But it will end soon.     He is a good little companion.

Dia Dhuit


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