Wednesday, December 05, 2018

Today was the busiest day I have had in a long time.

Mass at 9:00AM at church, before Bible Study at 10:OOAM.  It was a good animated bible study, actually we are on a book study right now.  I brought scones and fudge for a treat.    Went over very well:)

One of our members does meals on wheels and offered me a bag of three meals if I wanted them.   I was delighted.   I will not have to cook for a week and have some variety.   What a kind gesture.   Living alone, I do get careless about cooking sometimes.

Late this afternoon, I took my car to the dealer for maintenance.   They got my tires back to good pressure and the warning light off and checked all the fluids and stuff for winter.   I had one filter replaced and should be good until next summer.   Yea.

Dia Dhuit


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