Friday, May 25, 2018

I kittlysat today.    Bart and Barb have adopted the little kitty that I found in my front planter and they went to Oklahoma City today for a doctor appointment.   So I was recruited to watch the little one, who has no name as of yet.    We don't even know what gender he or she is.    Barb feeds him with a kitten formula every two to three hours so I was asked to fill in while they were gone.  It was OK.   Little kittens are adorable and I enjoyed feeding him or her but don't want to be a ?Mother? again.

If I get a cat it will be litter box trained and eating like an adult.    By the way, Fluffy, the cat that was neutered is doing just fine back here in her territory.

I saw my radiation oncologist today and got my port flushed.   I won't have to see Dr. Smith again unless I should end up getting radiation again and we will hope not.

Dia Dhuit


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