Monday, October 24, 2016

I was home all day today.    I like those days, but not all the time.   You all know me and know that I am a social person.  Darned near drove Dick nuts:)    He would have been content to just be home ALL the time with just me.  (Quite a complement)   He did like family things though.   Loved the holidays and when we spent time with ANY of the kids or family.  

I got SO much done today.   I am ready for Bible study, Writier's club, the Lawton Celtic group and my CWI updates.  

Nicky and I went for two walks around the block.   I "agreed" to a second one because - when walking this morning, Bart called and I lost one of my rosaries as I fumbled for the phone and tried to hang on to Nicky and a poop bag.   Believe it or not.  I did find the rosary.   Not a big thing, it is losing beads and requires concentration but it was made by a dear friend, Esther.  Thank you Esther.

Eating is easy.  I have leftovers until at least Thursday:)

Tomorrow will be quiet too but I do have a couple of things to do and must go to the bank and the grocery store.  I am almost out of PEANUT BUTTER.    Cannot happen.

Dia Dhuit


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