Tuesday, May 05, 2015

Well, a whole day at home.   Tomorrow I will be finishing up all preparations, including taking my sweet Nicky to Chris's for the time I am gone.   It will amount to a week as I am leaving so early on Thursday that I have to take him on Wednesday and getting home so late on Monday that I will have to pick him up on Tuesday.    Poor baby, but he knows them now and will have a friend dog that he met the last time.   I am so glad they Chris and Richard are still available.   They were so good with Zero.

Nicky and I have been taking nice walks today and will tomorrow morning too.   Chris says they do walks too.   He also has a yard to play in.   Maybe he'll decide he likes it better there:).   No way.   One thing comforting is that the concept of time is not in a dog's knowledge.   He would be not more happy when I come home on Monday as he would have been if I came home on Saturday..

I am really getting excited now.    A few days away will be a welcome release.   Several of my major projects are done and I will be refreshed for the next ones.

Wish the trees would leaf out more.  I think they need lightening.

Dia Dhuit


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