Friday, March 15, 2013

Today I missed Dick SO much.   I guess with all the excitement and emotion involved in the vacation, it kind of blindsided me when I was alone for the whole day.    It will be OK! Everything will be Alright!   as  Bret and I say when things get a bit hard to handle.

I was really busy today just putting things away and doing wash and settling back into the real world.

I will download pictures tomorrow and than start sharing a few.

We have a new Pope, Pope Francis.   I mention this, because of the way I found out about the election.   I was certain that it would take several days and totally surprised at the speed of it.   

Here is the story:

Bret and I were in Huntington Beach on Wednesday.   We went there for several reasons.   I wanted to go visit Tony's grave.   Bret had never been there.   I was so glad to have him with me.     I found his place right away.    I remembered exactly where he was, adjacent to Beach Blvd, along the driveway and with a statue of Jesus guarding him just a bit to his left and back.   They really keep  the cemetery well groomed and his stone looks as good as new.   I left him a shell and took several pictures, one with me and one with Bret.   It is such a little grave.

Then we drove through the old neighborhood.   Our house looks different, simply because the big olive tree in front is gone.  I met the current owner.   When we got there, I told Bret that I wanted to go across the street to see if my friend, Joyce Woerner, was home.   I knew she was still living there and had just come back from her mission for the LDS in Salt Lake City.   She was home and we had a great visit.    As I get back into Ancestry, she said that she can possibly be of help as her mission was in the genealogy department that the Mormans have.

We left there for St. Simon and Jude.  I wanted to see if the church had changed (it had - quite a bit)  As we pulled into the lot to wait for Jana Winchester Hertz, who was meeting us there so we could go to have a nice visit, the phone rang.   It was Barbara, calling to congratulate me for the election of our new pope.   We had not been listening to any news since about 8:30Am when we left my hotel room so she was the one who announced it to me - all the way from Oklahoma.     As we were talking, I was getting a message that Jeff was calling me too.     Barb and I finished our conversation and I called Jeff back.     I asked him if HE knew about the Pope.    He and Mother heard from ME.   So the news went from Oklahoma to California to Wisconsin by phone.   So much for TV coverage.   As Jeff and I were talking, the bells of St. Simon and Jude started ringing out the news.    It was truly a beautiful experience.

By the way, Barbara received her diploma in the mail on Wednesday too.    Yea Barbara.   She should be so very proud.   And now she should take a break for a bit.

That is enough for today

I talked to Nora tonight too.   I was so glad that we connected because I needed someone to talk to.

Love you all
Dia Dhuit


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