Monday, March 22, 2004

Well, I am still somewhat rested. Met with the ladies discussion group at church. We are discussing a book called Live Long and Love It. We are on the subject of fighting back. We all decided that we have done so but found it difficult to remember or determine if we actually won when we did so.

I remembered a time when I was in my early 20s and out with my then husband and at least 5 other people and we had just come from a bar, I guess. A black man was walking down the street and one of the other men started following him and harassing him verbally. I was shocked, said so and told him to stop. We left rather quickly and I hope I was instrumental in that. I had never experienced race hate before and was so upset to see that poor man trying to maintain his calm and keep walking. If I felt bad he must have been terrified. This was in Yuma Arizona and at that time they still had some restaurants that had White's Only sections. In my lifetime. I am glad we have come as far as we have. We are a funny country and have a lot of faults but are probably the closest in the world to accepting all races as equal.

Talked to Bret yesterday, he was in Laughlin Nevada and visited his Aunt Jacquie. He sent us a box of dried fruit from Cabazon and matching sweatshirts for Dick and I. (I told him that now Dick and I can be cute, dressed alike.) Also a box of Sees Candy. That is SUCH good candy.

He is a good son.

Talked to Bart and he sounds MUCH better. He was on his way to group so we talked only for a minute.



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