Sunday, March 28, 2004

It is raining. We even had a bit of thunder. Not as much as I was expecting, but enough to make Chelsea a bit nervous. She has not scooted to hide her head under the bed yet this year. I expect that will come. It seems to me that it was in July or August, the year I came to my high school reunion while I was still living in California.

As a matter of fact, the boys were still pretty young. Bret was maybe 10 and Bart 5. Anyway, a big thunder storm came up that was banging thunder and flashing lightening with unbridled fury. It was also hotter than the hinges of Hades. We were watching TV downstairs when Mother and I discussed whether we should turn it off the TV because sometimes TVs can be conduits for the lightening and dangerous. Suddenly, both boys thought it might be a good idea to just go to bed. What a night. Mother had put them in a bed together, but that night they both came in with me. One on each side in that awful humid heat. They commented on how close the thunder and lightening were with every clap and flash. We finally fell into a sticky restless sleep and by morning the storm was passed. I don't suppose they even remember it.

Hope you have a good week. Mine is shaping up to be very busy.



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