Wednesday, August 20, 2003

If you missed me yesterday, I really had a very good reason. My computer crashed and it took Jim most of the day to repair it. Then I got up this morning and found out that it was working. Turned it on, tried to get my e-mails and found a VIRUS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Poor Jim, we had to get him up in the early morning which is completely out or his realm. But the dear boy did eliminate it and I didn't lose anything. At leas nothing that is very obvious.

It is hard to believe that Bret, my oldest son, will be 36 next month. He was an early talker. I was thinking about that today. He was about a year old and just barely up and walking. We were all out in the front yard one Saturday afternoon. He staggered accross the yard to his father carrying part of a six pack and said, " Daddy, want a beer." and he never stopped talking after that. Never bothered with one word requests. he always spoke in sentances.



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