Sunday, July 27, 2003

This past weekend, the 1958 graduating class of Sheboygan Falls High School, celebrated their 45 Anniversary. I believe I mentioned that I was on the committee with Carol Van Dixhorn Kaat, Dan Moioffer and Mark Montaba. The experience of planning such an event is something that I would recommend. It is a lot of work, but the rewards are so outweigh the effort. We had a great turnout. We sent out 77 invitations. 39 attended the event. Twenty others sent regrets for many reasons but wanted to be part of the book. Seven of our classmates have passed on. So we felt the response was wonderful.

It was a real bonding event. As Tom Theune said as part of his prayer, we were in a very special class. We were small enough that even if we weren't all "best friends", we knew each other by name. This is lost in the bigger classes in many schools and even in the larger classes here in Sheboygan Falls now.

I designed the class book and it was such a pleasure to gather the information from all the participants. We are an impressive bunch of people who have become wonderful people. I am so proud to have been part of the class.

When I get the picture, I will put it on the site. I remember when I got the last one, I took it to show Mother. We looked it over and I commented that I wondered who all these middle aged people were. I wonder what we will look like on film this time.

Have a good week


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