Tuesday, May 27, 2003

Do you have a favorite meatloaf recipe? I have a really neat meatBALL recipe using my favorite meatloaf mixture. Years ago, there was a bar called Fitz's in Sheboygan Falls, the little town that I grew up in. Sheboygan Falls is a charming place. They are a blue ribbon example of what Wisconsin's Main Street Program to revitalize small towns can do. Mother says that the town NEVER looked as good as it does now with all the restored and well maintained storefronts.

Anyway, Fitz;s was owned by a friend of my Dad's, named of all things Mr. Fitzpatrick. (I can't remember his first name, but will ask Mother the next time I talk to her. In my childhood all adults were Mr. or Mrs. and half the time we didn't know they had a first name.) Fitz's served chicken dinners and parboiled the chicken to speed the cooking. Mrs. Fitzpatrick asked Dad if he had a use for some buckets of chicken broth from the parboiling. So Dad would occasionally bring a bucket home and my Mother became very inventive. This is one of our favorites. We named it Schilizhagen. Schlitz because the broth came from a bar and hagen because it sounded German. Why was sounding German important? I don't know, I was only a kid.

If you don't have a favorite meatloaf recipe, e-mail me either direct of by clicking on Tell Me under Contact to the left and I will tell you mine.


3 lbs of your favorite meatloaf mixture.
1 quart of chicken broth
Salt and pepper to taste.
Flour to roll the meatballs in.

Start warming the chicken broth in a dutch oven.

Form the meatloaf into balls and roll in flour.

Brown the meatballs in a frying pan ( I find enough fat comes out of the burger but if you must add a little oil or spray with cooking spray.) Drop the meatballs into the hot chicken broth and cook for about 30 to 40 minutes until cooked through.

Serve over mashed potatoes or noodles. (The Kunert's love noodles but I love the gravy that forms on mashed potatoes.)

Hope you like


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