Saturday, June 11, 2005

Roxie is being Miss Affectionate Kitty tonight. She is on my lap cuddling and purring and looking at me quite adoringly. She was a bit standoffish when we first got her but in the past month or so, she has become quite the lover. I like that a lot.

It was hot again today.

This afternoon, I picked up Mother at about 2:00 and we went to my cousin Brian and Peggy's house for the graduation party of their daughter Amanda. It was a nice couple of hours. Maureen was here from Kansas City and Chris and her husband Ron came from Sun Prairie. Aunt Kathleen and Uncle Bob were there of course and we got to see lots of their kids too. Brian and Peggy's youngest daughter, Samantha and two of her friends did a musical gymnastic act for us in the back yard. Brian and Peggy just moved into a new home. It is about the same size as their old one but the grounds are huge and beautiful going down to a creek. We were impressed. The view from the living room is spectacular.

Took Mom grocery shopping on the way home. She is having her Canasta group over this week and needed proper snacks to set out for the ladies. Usually, she asks Donna to take her grocery shopping But - Tomorrow is Jessie's graduation and then Jessie leaves for Germany two days later. To top it off, Erin's car broke down on the way home from work and Randy was trying to fix that. It never rains but it pours.

Dick is working on stripping the paint off the lower panel of the garage door because it is peeling. It is really not cooperating. So he figures it might be his summer project.

Tomorrow the choir sings at 8:00AM so I want to get to bed early. It is for the graduates.

Shoot for the moon, even if you miss you'll land among the stars.

Go for it.


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