Monday, June 06, 2005

Lovely day today. It was all the way up into the 80s. Wow. Bobbie and Bill brought us some primroses from their garden Sunday afternoon. So I planted them today around the birdbath in the front yard. Bobbie says that they spread. I hope so as they are colorful and beautiful. I don't have any real color in that corner so it is a welcome addition.

I met Rosalie at Sheboygan Falls Conservation for our third week of trap league. I did a 17 - not as good as Sunday, but certainly in a consistant higher count than last year. I seem to have to constantly remind myself to be calm and focus.

Bible Study was very nice this morning. We finished the fifth of six lessons on the Eucharist. This lesson was on the ending rite of the Mass that sends us out to evangelize and practice the message. Also we discussed the Eucharist itself which is the center of the Catholic Faith. We believe that the bread and wine, at the Consecration, become the Body and Blood of Christ. The United Stated Bishops state. "Futhermore, being present under the appearances of bread and wine, Christ gives himself to us in a form that is appropriate for human eating and drinking." It seems so odd to us that animal sacrifice was (and still is in many cultures) accepted. However, Jesus made the ultimate sacrifice and ended the need for such things. Sure glad he took care of that.

I had to go to the Rhine Plymouth monthly meeting tonight too. It is good to be home and done for the day.

Tomorrow is much easier.

Have a good week.



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