Tuesday, December 20, 2005

Today was a rather quiet day. The only excursion that I made outside of the yard was to get my hair cut.

I am all finished with wrapping presents. Actually, I still have Mother's. I have a couple of small things for her but I ordered Galtee Sausages and Irish Bacon and intend to give her an Irish Breakfast for her main present. I will give her the bacon,sausages and fresh soda bread or scones (I have not decided which to bake as of yet. I will do that on Saturday.)

We were watching some game show and they asked a question as to where you send children when they are naughty. It reminded me of Bret when he was in kindergarten.

He had the most wonderful teacher in Kindergarten. Her name was Miss Gamel. She had a class of 16 little boys and 4 little girls. One of the little boys went home and told his Dad that the teacher was a "big beautiful blond." Needless to say that Dad came to teacher conferences.

She did love her students and was infinately patient with them. By the end of the year they knew that if there was a "shy E" at the end of a word - the vowel said "its own name." Think about it.

Anyway. Bret ended up hysterical in the principal's office. The kids were using rather bad words. Miss Gamel said that some of them were REALLY bad and she finally said that the next person that said a bad word would be sent to the principal's office. Bret said "poopy". So she sent him to the office.

He just disintegrated. Miss Gamel felt terrible and the office told her that she shouldn't have done that. But I agreed that she should have. She would have lost all credibility with the class and Bret learned a valuable lesson. He was trying to show off and learned timing if nothing else.

So that is my story about being sent to the principal's office.

Have a great Wednesday.



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