Wednesday, November 30, 2005

We took Chelsea to the Vet today as scheduled. Dr. Zechlinsky must be either expanding or planning on retiring because he has a new associate in the office who looked at our girl. She is basically in pretty good shape, but the new doctor did discover a slight heart murmur. We decided to just do nothing for it at this time. The New Vet (I will get her name in my head on our next visit) assured us that unless Chelsea shows signs of tiring easily or developes a severe coughing problem or faints a lot that we don't need to worry too much. The occasional little fainting episodes that she does have COULD be associated with the murmur. If more symptoms appear there are medications that can help her so we will just see what happens.

I spent the rest of the day, trying to get stuff put away. Since out trip, I am way behind. The sprained ankle hasn't helped. By the way, it is starting to itch. I know that scars itch when they are healing but had no idea that sprains did. The foot is all sorts of different shades of red and purple.

Today I finally did get the deer hunting stuff cleaned and stowed and I put the Thanksgiving decorations away. Good thing, it is really time to start doing Christmas.



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