Tuesday, August 23, 2005

Shopping and a hair cut today. Aside from that I was able to just spend the day catching up. I had to sew some strips on a quilt backing to enlarge it. I am having Brenda Ottman from Sheboygan Falls do the machine assembly of the pinwheel quilt top that I made last year in a Quilt Guild class. It was the class that I invited Barbara to go with me just before they left for Oklahoma. I think I will hang it in the hall when I get it back. It is colorful and very pretty. I am entering it along with the spider in the Quilt Show next month.

Dick and I will actually be on our Washington Trip and coming back the evening of the show, but Mary Yurk, my neighbor said she would take and pick up the quilts for me. I took hers last year for her. We do share.

Tomorrow I will be taking Mother to the Dr. Nytes to have her hearing aid cleaned and checked and will take her out for lunch. If Dick sleeps well enough he is going with us. Mother would really like that and so will he if he is rested. It is just as well she gets it checked before Labor Day. George and Betsy (who is already here spending time with her mother, Dorothy) and Nora and Leif along with Britt and Stenn will all be here and Donna is hosting a party on the 4th for everybody. I must remember to call Donna to find out what she wants me to bring.

Tomorrow I need to bake bars and make a salad to take to Sam Allison's funeral lunch. The funeral will be on Thursday at 11:00AM. Sue asked if I would present the gifts with a couple of other ladies who were close to Sam. And if I would be a eucharistic minister. I am truly honored to be part of Sam's sending. Soon Sue and their children can rest.

Have a special day tomorrow. The weather is so pleasant and bearable.

Below is a 'List Poem' that I wrote. I learned this technique in an afternoon class at the UW Sheboygan.


Fresh bread baking in the oven.
Grilled cheese dripping in butter.
Prepared – smashed and cooked
On a griddle that is black with burned grease and cheese.
Rhubarb, fresh from the backyard
Eaten raw, dipped in a cup of sugar.
Fresh apple pie (hot OR cold) big juicy slabs.
Prepared with LOTS of onion, (Because that's how Dad liked it.)
Chocolate Éclairs with homemade custard filling
A dozen.
One for everyone - one extra to fight over.
Corn on the cob, slathered with butter and salted.
Contest! Who can eat the most.
Creamed Egg on Toast for supper during Lent
Poured liberally over Mom's homemade white bread toasted and slathered with Oleo.
Talk about creamed.
How about creamed kohlrabi, creamed cabbage, creamed green beans?
How come we didn't die from all the fat?
Friday Chile in an age of meatless Fridays
Horror of horrors, Mom softened the onions with bacon grease.
Meat on Friday?
Will we all go to hell?



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