Monday, August 29, 2005

The day is winding down. It was a beautiful sunny, warm, clear day here in Wisconsin. Something to be really grateful for when one hears the news about violent storm, Katrina, and the damage that is occuring in our Mississippi and Louisiana. Thank God, that the hurricane has been downgraded from 5 to a 1. Apparently hitting land really knocked the wind out of it.

Bible study was animated this morning. Chapter 8 of II Corinthians records the first (I believe) request for a collection to help the poor and the "saints" in Jerusalem. Sounded much like an appeal that might be made from the pulpet today. Next week is a holiday and the following week is a holiday for Dick and me, so we will not meet until September 19. They say they "need" me to lead. I think they put more importance on my abilities than are warrented. I told them of a poster that a friend of mine had over her desk years ago. The poster was a landscape of a great expanse of snow, Antartica perhaps, as in the middle of the snowscape was a small lone penquin trudging along. The wording on the poster was. "Dear Lord. Either lighten my burden or strengthen my back."

While I was at church, I sewed the labels onto the quilts that we are raffleing at the Celtic Faire. The sales are not going too well. I was afraid of that , but feel that we will probably be able to sell a lot at the Faire itself. They are both beautiful. The queen sized quilt is more green and blue and the throw or lapquilt is also green and blue but has more gold in it. If you are intersted look at Under upcoming events find the Celtic Faire and then the mention the quilt. I can get you tickets and have I got a deal for you. They are $1 each or 6 for $5.

Have a good Tuesday.


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