Tuesday, July 12, 2005

It actually rained today. Not a heavy rain, but a nice gentle misting off and on all day. I still watered the spots that are the brownest. Got to drown those grubworms, you know.

Tonight the ladies who made the squares for the Church Celtic Quilt got together to put the edging on and sew the backing together. I wish you could all see it. When it is ALL together, I will take a picture and post it on the blog. Tickets will be available starting NOW. We are selling them for $1 each or 6 for $5. There will be the queen sized quilt and also a lap quilt that Mary Bainbridge put together with the leftover squares. They are totally different and it amazes us how each quilt looks like it was planned. The drawing will be at the Celtic Faire on September 11. Let me know "how many tickets you want."

Tomorrow, things are a bit quieter. Dick sees Dr. Schwalback tomorrow and I am delivering little old ladies to a Senior picnic and then picking them up again. I would probably go myself if it was a quieter week. However, I would RATHER have lunch with Dick and I need to pick up some currents from Dolores. She called and hers are ripe. I couldn't get them yesterday, so she was sweetly going to pick them and put them in their fridge. If I get them tomorrow, I can start another batch of current wine. I hope there are at least three pounds so I can make the 2 year current. I was kind of sorry that I had not divided the Jeff and Kathy currents up to try that again. The thing about the 2 year current is that the first batch will not be ready until October of this year, so it is still an unknown.

Be happy


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